Thursday, October 16, 2008

5 Ways To Lose 10 Pounds In 15 Minutes

Hopefully you understood the impossibility of this article delivering what the title promises...

"Five Ways To Lose Ten Pounds In Fifteen Minutes"... Oh, if only! We could all be three sizes smaller in an hour!

You will be surprised to find out how many people are actually looking for a fast weight loss program. Why fast? Because most of us are impatient. Hectic is a key word in our daily lives. We want results now, we want to notice the change right away, but most importantly, we don't want to do any hard work to achieve those results.

At the risk of stereotyping the general population, you tend to eat what you want all year round, choose TV over exercising and deceive ourselves with the pipe dream about how next week (or month/year) you are going to start a healthy lifestyle. Then, hey, don't look now but what's that creeping up? (And I mean besides your too small undies. Tightie whities, indeed.)

It's TIME. And it's baring down on you hard.

Suddenly it's just 2 weeks left before you have to go to a Christmas party or that summer is coming up and you want to look good in the new bikini.

Usually around this time the emails start flooding in - all of them pretty much the same "I have this event coming up in two weeks. I need to lose about 10-15 pounds. What is the fastest way to do it?"

Of course TV, the Internet and even your email inbox is full of advertisements that promise you to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. They even show you tons of pictures of fit, smiling people with perfect bodies. Just pop a magic pill 3 times a day and you will turn into a supermodel right away. Sounds good, right?

I hate to disappoint you but this is just another scam created to get your money. There is just no such thing as fast weight loss. I'll get some infuriated replies like "That can't be true! My sister lost 16 pounds in two weeks doing Low carb diet!" Well, here's another unfortunate tidbit of information. Your sis didn't lose any fat. She lost water and muscle. And now her metabolism is running at an all time low because of that muscle mass loss.

Human body is a well coordinated working mechanism. It has no idea that you have a every intention of dropping three dress sizes over the weekend by doing some new fad diet. But when you start this fad diet and your body catches on to what you are doing it thinks you are starving and tries to be loyal and save you. Your zeroes in on survival instead of allowing you to lose weight fast. As a result your metabolism slows down to conserve the energy. As soon as you start eating normal -and you will because those fad diet rules are just too outrageous to stick to very long- you'll gain all of your weight back that you managed to lose and some extra pounds in addition to that. Congratulations.

Fast weight loss is simply followed by fast weight gain. Always. No exceptions. In addition to that when you lose weight too fast, your skin does not have enough time to shrink, it will become loose. So now, not only are you still overweight, you also been rewarded for your efforts with lots of saggy jiggle on any given spot, at any given time. The hits just keep on comin', don't they?

The right amount of weight that the average person can lose in one week by eating correctly and doing exercises is around 2-3 pounds. That is a healthy, safe, effective amount to lose. Only that way you can get long lasting results. I know it is not as fast as many people would like to lose weight, but think about how long it took you to acquire those love handles. I'd bet the farm you didn't gain 20 pounds in two weeks. And it is just as unlikely your body will allow you to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. Sorry!

Just try to eat right and work out. Be consistent. Make one little step at a time and you'll be surprised how far you can actually go.

The author, Dara Torrin, is a weight loss a research specialist who has lost 65 lbs over 5 years ago and has KEPT IT OFF.

To kick-start her dieting efforts Dara used her research skills to find out if there were any legitimate supplements out there to aid in getting off to a positive start. In the process she uncovered the secrets identifying quality hoodia products that really work.

Find out more by visiting her research website: weightzover

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