Thursday, October 16, 2008

How to Lose Your Final 10 Pounds of Fat

Here are a few tips to help you lose those last few pounds. They may sound obvious, but you'd be amazed how many dieters fail to take these elementary steps.

Be Patient
The key to losing those last stubborn pounds is to be patient! When you have very little weight to lose it is important to stick very closely to your diet in order get results. Think in terms of losing AT MOST 1-1.5 pound a week. This means following your diet and exercise program carefully for 7-10 weeks. If you do this, even the most stubborn final pounds of fat will disappear.

Boost Your Daily Exercise
If you take regular exercise, increase your workout by 10-15 minutes each day AND change your workout routine. Changing the type of exercise you do, or the duration, gives your metabolism an extra boost and helps to burn extra calories.

Eat Regularly
Eat little and often throughout the day. This helps to maintain your metabolic rate at maximum speed. Also, it keeps your blood-sugar level stable, which is helpful in reducing appetite build-up and food cravings. Some surveys show that eating "little and often" actually reduces appetite and calorie-intake.

Think Thin!
This may sound like psycho-babble, but it's not! Our beliefs really do affect how we behave. If you believe "I can never lose my final 10 pounds", chances are you won't. This is because we behave in a way that makes our belief a reality. However, if you think "Seven weeks from now my last 10 pounds are gonna be history" you will work to make that belief a reality.

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