Monday, December 15, 2008

20 Ways to Kick Start Your Diet For 2009

Guilty of overeating during the holidays? Here are 20 simple ways to beat weight gain.

1. Drink water. People often mistake thirst for hunger, so next time you feel like noshing, reach for water first. Drinking also helps you feel full. Some experts suggest sipping water (or iced tea) just before you sit down to a meal. Continue drinking as you eat to add volume and weight to your meal.

2. Set realistic goals. One or two pounds a week maximum is doable. Top weight-loss programs advocate stopping after the first 10 pounds and maintaining that loss for about six months before trying to lose any more.

3. Build in splurges. If you allow yourself to eat whatever you want for 2 meals out of every 21, you won't inflict enough damage to subvert your weight loss. And you'll feel less deprived.

4. Count to 10. Studies suggest that the average craving lasts only about 10 minutes. So before caving in to your urge, set your mental timer for a 10-minute time-out. Use the time to tackle an item on your to-do list; choose one that will give you a sense of accomplishment -- and get you out of the kitchen.

5. Eat more often. People who have kept their weight off for more than a few years tend to eat an average of five times a day. Light, frequent meals curb your appetite, boost your energy, improve your mood and even speed your metabolism, since the process of digestion itself burns calories.

6. Make weekly resolutions. Don't try to overhaul your diet overnight. If you make too many changes at once, chances are you'll get frustrated and throw in the towel. Instead, make one change, such as eating at least one piece of fruit daily, every week.

7. Start with 10%. People who start by focusing on achieving just 10% of their long-range weight-loss goal may have the best chance of ultimate success. Losing those first pounds yields the biggest health gains, too, since belly fat is usually the first to come off and is the most dangerous.

8. Spike your meals with salsa. This spicy condiment can stand in for mayo to deliver plenty of flavor without the fat. Mix it with a bit of low-fat yogurt to make tuna salad. Spread it on a veggie burger, or serve it with chicken or fish.

9. Take one-third off. When you eat dinner out, reduce the temptation to clean your plate by setting aside one-third of your meal. Ask the server for a doggie bag, and take it home for lunch the next day. Try serving yourself one-third less at home too. This simple tactic could subtract more than 500 calories a day.

10. Go easy on the alcohol. Remember that alcohol is a source of calories. A 12-ounce beer has 150 calories; a 3.5-ounce glass of wine, 85. A margarita packs a bigger caloric punch. Even worse offenders are creamy cocktails, such as brandy alexanders and mudslides -- equivalent to drinking a rich dessert. The bottom line: If you're trying to lose weight, stick with water.

11. Write notes to yourself. To help you stay on track, post notes to yourself on the fridge and the pantry. Put up a little stop sign or make tags with questions like "Do you want this food enough to wear it?" and "Are the calories worth the consequences?"

12. Stay away from sodas. Soft drinks are a major source of empty calories in the American diet. We drink twice as much soda as milk and nearly six times more soda than fruit juice. But fluids don't satisfy your appetite as well as solids. A study at Purdue University found that when people were fed 450 calories daily as jelly beans or as soda, the soda drinkers gained a significant amount of weight, but the jelly-bean eaters compensated for the extra calories by cutting back on other food. So if you crave something sweet, you're better off chewing it than gulping it. If you're truly thirsty, reach for water or unsweetened iced tea instead of soda.

13. Don't just eat -- dine. Eating on the run or in front of the tube invites mindless munching. Instead, set the table every time you eat. Make a conscious choice to sit down and savor every bite. Placing a portion of chips on your best china helps focus your attention so you don't eat the whole bag.

14. Up your protein (a little). Research suggests that protein prolongs the feeling of fullness better than carbohydrates or fats do. Studies in Scotland, Denmark, Sweden and England found that people who ate a high-protein breakfast or lunch were less hungry at their next meal. Protein also requires a few more calories to digest. Just don't go overboard. Stick to low-fat protein sources like low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese, low-fat soy drinks or snacks, or thinly sliced turkey breast.

15. Learn how to measure. It's easy to misjudge portion sizes. Pull out the measuring spoons and cups, especially for full-fat salad dressings, dairy foods and mayo.

16. Make smart substitutions. Look for nutritious low-calorie alternatives to sugary, high-fat treats. Try frozen grapes instead of candy. Use air-popped popcorn instead of oil-popped. Dip fresh strawberries in fat-free fudge sauce for a sensuous chocolaty treat.

17. Have a "party plan." When attending a party, offer to bring a plate. Arriving armed with chopped fresh veggies and a low-fat dip -- or any other low-calorie snack -- ensures that you'll have something to snack on without feeling guilty.

18. Think positively. Experts note that low self-esteem is a major cause of overeating. Train yourself to focus on your best points rather than your weak spots. Buy clothes that fit and flatter you at your current weight. Update your hairstyle and get a makeup consultation so you feel attractive today.

19. Give yourself a break. No one says you have to reach your goal without making mistakes along the way. Tell yourself you can succeed in losing weight by taking things one step at a time and starting fresh whenever you slip up. If you overeat one night, just get back on track in the morning by focusing on what's worked for you in the past.

20. Relax! Some people binge when they're stressed. A Yale University study found that women who secreted the most cortisol (a hormone released during stress) ate the most high-fat food after stress. The combination of cortisol and insulin prompts the body to store fat in preparation for possible starvation -- just what you don't need. If stress has a stronghold on your life, try learning yoga, meditation, or simple breathing exercises.

Get your diet started off by visiting my diet supplement review website

Thursday, October 16, 2008

5 Ways To Lose 10 Pounds In 15 Minutes

Hopefully you understood the impossibility of this article delivering what the title promises...

"Five Ways To Lose Ten Pounds In Fifteen Minutes"... Oh, if only! We could all be three sizes smaller in an hour!

You will be surprised to find out how many people are actually looking for a fast weight loss program. Why fast? Because most of us are impatient. Hectic is a key word in our daily lives. We want results now, we want to notice the change right away, but most importantly, we don't want to do any hard work to achieve those results.

At the risk of stereotyping the general population, you tend to eat what you want all year round, choose TV over exercising and deceive ourselves with the pipe dream about how next week (or month/year) you are going to start a healthy lifestyle. Then, hey, don't look now but what's that creeping up? (And I mean besides your too small undies. Tightie whities, indeed.)

It's TIME. And it's baring down on you hard.

Suddenly it's just 2 weeks left before you have to go to a Christmas party or that summer is coming up and you want to look good in the new bikini.

Usually around this time the emails start flooding in - all of them pretty much the same "I have this event coming up in two weeks. I need to lose about 10-15 pounds. What is the fastest way to do it?"

Of course TV, the Internet and even your email inbox is full of advertisements that promise you to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. They even show you tons of pictures of fit, smiling people with perfect bodies. Just pop a magic pill 3 times a day and you will turn into a supermodel right away. Sounds good, right?

I hate to disappoint you but this is just another scam created to get your money. There is just no such thing as fast weight loss. I'll get some infuriated replies like "That can't be true! My sister lost 16 pounds in two weeks doing Low carb diet!" Well, here's another unfortunate tidbit of information. Your sis didn't lose any fat. She lost water and muscle. And now her metabolism is running at an all time low because of that muscle mass loss.

Human body is a well coordinated working mechanism. It has no idea that you have a every intention of dropping three dress sizes over the weekend by doing some new fad diet. But when you start this fad diet and your body catches on to what you are doing it thinks you are starving and tries to be loyal and save you. Your zeroes in on survival instead of allowing you to lose weight fast. As a result your metabolism slows down to conserve the energy. As soon as you start eating normal -and you will because those fad diet rules are just too outrageous to stick to very long- you'll gain all of your weight back that you managed to lose and some extra pounds in addition to that. Congratulations.

Fast weight loss is simply followed by fast weight gain. Always. No exceptions. In addition to that when you lose weight too fast, your skin does not have enough time to shrink, it will become loose. So now, not only are you still overweight, you also been rewarded for your efforts with lots of saggy jiggle on any given spot, at any given time. The hits just keep on comin', don't they?

The right amount of weight that the average person can lose in one week by eating correctly and doing exercises is around 2-3 pounds. That is a healthy, safe, effective amount to lose. Only that way you can get long lasting results. I know it is not as fast as many people would like to lose weight, but think about how long it took you to acquire those love handles. I'd bet the farm you didn't gain 20 pounds in two weeks. And it is just as unlikely your body will allow you to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. Sorry!

Just try to eat right and work out. Be consistent. Make one little step at a time and you'll be surprised how far you can actually go.

The author, Dara Torrin, is a weight loss a research specialist who has lost 65 lbs over 5 years ago and has KEPT IT OFF.

To kick-start her dieting efforts Dara used her research skills to find out if there were any legitimate supplements out there to aid in getting off to a positive start. In the process she uncovered the secrets identifying quality hoodia products that really work.

Find out more by visiting her research website: weightzover

Colon Cleansing for Weight Loss

A bowel flushing it typically touted as a great way to lower toxin levels and prevent constipation problems—but few would believe that there is a connection between a good colon cleanse and weight loss. After all, how much weight could possibly be lost during a colon cleansing—1, possibly 2 pounds? The simple fact is that almost no one is aware of just how much waste and undigested food accumulates within the bowels as the years pass. But, depending upon dietary and exercise habits, the pounds can add up quickly making the colon a permanent toxic waste dump within your body.

The reason that weight loss and the use of colon cleansers are related is indeed because feces and undigested food become compacted in the bowels. Sheets of this waste first cling to the walls of the colon and large intestines and then dry. Additional bowel movements then help to compress these sheets of feces due to the pressure produced during the evacuation of stool. Over the years and without a regular but periodic colon cleanse, this compacted waste can start to add up to several pounds.

Elvis Presley died of a drug overdose and doctors made a very surprising discovery when performing the autopsy—the colon weighed close to 60 pounds! What makes this even more disturbing is that the average human colon weighs around 4 pounds. Now the information on this site is well-researched and we certainly do not want to claim that using colon cleansing products can help anyone lose over 50 pounds of weight. In fact, the average American has roughly 10-15 pounds of concentrated feces and undigested food in their bowels.

In truth, doctors have a hard time determining just how much feces may accumulate along the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. This is because there is typically around 6 undigested meals in the colon at any given time which is not necessarily compacted and attached to the walls. Thus, without dissecting the colon and separating the concentrated waste along the walls from the undigested food in the colon itself, there really is no way of getting a precise figure. This is why scientists give an estimate of 10-15 pounds rather than proving one single number and eliminating confusion and the appearance of misleading information.

What is certain, however, is that the accumulation of compacted waste along the walls of the gastrointestinal tract adds up to several pounds of unneeded toxic weight. Colon cleansing products can be used to remove this concentrated waste and help you lose those last few pounds that just never seem to disappear no matter how much you diet and exercise.

It typically takes a week to ten days for a colon cleansing to remove the layers of feces.

A colon cleanse program such as DrFloras Colon Cleanse is a mild yet effective reparation that's tough on plaque build up, but soft on your body. It scrubs away at the accumulated buildup, till it's loose enough to be purged out of the body. When a person expels several pounds of fecal matter over a course of 15 days or so, he might be amazed to find that he is losing weight. As the fecal matter is flushed out, he'll notice he's feeling noticeably lighter.

However you decide to shed those “toxic pounds”, the fact remains that the link between a colon cleanse and weight loss is very real and will also provide a number of additional health benefits in the process.

Fucoxanthin Looks To Be The Next Big Diet Supplement For 2009

After years of grueling research and development, the scientific community has announced the discovery of an astounding compound that has been shown in rigorous clinical studies to accelerate and promote the loss of stubborn fat in the abdominal region. This amazing new compound is found in marine plant life and is called fucoxanthin.

Fucoxanthin is an all natural ingredient that is found in edible seaweed, most specifically in brown seaweed such as wakama (Undaria pinnatifida) and hijiki (Hijikia fusiformis), which are commonly used in Asian cuisine. There has been much epidemiological data from Japan (whose culture is infamous for their longevity, typically trim bodies, and vibrant health) that suggests that brown seaweed consumption yields spectacular health benefits. Fucoxanthin is actually an isolated carotenoid of brown seaweed (which protects cells and tissues from detrimental free radicals). Fucoxanthin is the force behind the brown color of the seaweed; its special pigmentation keeps the seaweed from being destroyed by the sun while it floats on the ocean 's surface.

Scientists believe that fucoxanthin works by regulating the protein UCP1 (uncoupling protein 1). UCP1 controls the amount of fat that is stored up in the body and also regulates the activity of a prominent gene that is responsible for sustaining the body 's temperature. UCP1 is found in white adipose tissue, (which is actually a repulsive yellowish colored fat), also called visceral fat. Visceral fat is usually a culprit of the dreaded "middle-age spread", with its tell-tale fat surrounding the abdominal regions and encasing the body 's internal organs, which has been shown in a vast number of studies to aid in the development of both diabetes and heart disease. Unfortunately, visceral fat is inclined to attract toxins, leads to inflammation, and is extremely harmful to the overall hormonal well-being of the body.

Researchers believe that fucoxanthin possesses very powerful thermogenic (fat burning) elements. Thermogenesis can best be defined as a process by which the human body creates internal heat, which triggers an increase in the overall metabolic rate, thereby requiring the use of stores of energy in the way of fat reserves. Fucoxanthin-induced thermogenesis elevates the body 's temperature, making it a fat (and calorie) burning boiler room. The effect is like turning up the furnace, the more fuel you use, the emptier the tank becomes; in this instance, the faster the weight falls off! You can apply the same science to animals that hibernate in the winter, such as the bear. The bear has fat stores built up that its body relies on during the winter to stay alive, and to keep it from fatally freezing!

Another factor that makes fucoxanthin an important new development for weight loss is that the metabolic boost that is associated with this all-natural ingredient does not stimulate the delicate central nervous system ; a side effect of many popular weight loss formulations. Fucoxanthin has been found safe to use with no side effects, other than rapid weight loss.

Those who have used fucoxanthin in a weight loss formulation or supplement have reported losing as much as ten percent of their body weight. Those users also reported suppression in appetite and an increased level of energy while taking fucoxanthin.

In addition to its remarkable assistance in the battle of the belly bulge, fucoxanthin has also been found to decrease blood glucose and insulin levels. Scientists believe that this diabetes-inhibiting effect occurs because fucoxanthin promotes the replication of DHA, which is the same omega-3 fatty acid that is found in beneficial fish oil, and is thought to increase insulin sensitivity, improve levels of triglycerides, and reduce the bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body.

Furthermore, this powerful ingredient may have implications in the fight against cancer. Some studies have shown that fucoxanthin may have anti-tumor tendencies, which can slow down the growth of certain tumors.

Fucoxanthin is sold under the brand name Fuco Prime and can be found at Fuco Prime by Nature 's Biology.

Fall is the perfect season for beginning a weight loss plan

Forget New Years. Autumn is the best time to begin a diet and exercise program. Think about it — the leaves are turning, the days are cooling, the kids are in school, the soup pot is begging to be filled. The bounty of fresh mountain apples makes getting your daily fruit quota easier and more delicious than ever.

It’s a recipe for success, as cited by a National Dairy Council survey in which 1,500 mothers said fall was the preferred time of year to make a go of lifestyle changes.

Fifty-three percent said a return to the regular school routine was helpful, while 41 percent said sending their children back to school freed up more “me” time. The free-form summertime was soundly put in its place when this troop of moms ranked it the second worst time to lose weight. As expected, the winter holidays came in last place.

Routines are ideal for helping people, especially moms, find time to fit in fitness, prepare healthier meals and make sure they take care of their own personal health needs. The combination of more free time, regular routines, and the beautiful fall weather is an inspiration to eat better and be more active outdoors.

Take advantage of fall crops such as pumpkins and apples for a taste treat with a nutritional boost. Consider using these foods in new ways, as well, by trying them in soups, salads, smoothies and other dishes. A quick search on the Internet should provide plenty of ideas. Also eat a little something every few hours to promote stable blood sugar levels.

Making changes to your exercise routine is also a pleasure thanks to autumn’s visual beauty and mild temperatures. Even if you have 30 minutes or less available for exercise each day, that’s fine. A brisk 10-minute walk in the morning and at night can be a manageable, beneficial and pleasurable way to work exercise into your busy day.

Help For Parents of Overweight Children

Childhood Weight Strongly Influenced By Parental Environment

Parents have a huge influence over the weight of their children. For example, studies into adopted children show that genes account for only about 33 percent of a child's weight. The balance is due to environmental factors such as family eating habits. Perhaps this explains why 80 percent of children born to two obese parents become obese themselves. (By contrast, 14 percent of children born to normal-weight parents become obese.) In addition, other studies show that 80 percent of adolescents (aged 10-13 years) remain obese as adults.

How to Help Your Overweight Child
If your child is overweight, you're not alone. According to the latest US statistics, approximately 15.3 percent of children (ages 6–11) and 15.5 percent of adolescents (ages 12–19) are overweight. An additional 15 percent of children and 14.9 percent of adolescents are at risk for overweight (BMI for age between the 85th and 95th percentile). However, given the link between childhood and adult weight, and the health risks associated with overweight, it's important to help your kids maintain a normal weight and shape.

Weight Control Not Weight Loss
Except in rare cases where a child's health is in danger, a determination to be made with a doctor, the basic objective of weight control in children is just that: weight CONTROL not weight LOSS. Rather than trying to induce the child to lose weight, let height catch up with weight by maintaining a slow rate of weight gain.

Do Not Restrict Food
It's not a good idea to restrict food if your child is overweight. Restricting food can induce a binge mentality, and be detrimental to health. Associating food with pleasure or pain is never a good idea. In any case, trying to exert tight control over what children eat is a hopeless task. The correct approach is to help children to decide properly for themselves how much to eat.

Encourage Physical Activity and Exercise
Exercise is a lifetime requirement for optimum health and weight. Encouraging physical activity in childhood is a great way to engender good exercise habits that can endure into adulthood.

Take walks with your child after meals
Take up sports which the whole family can do
Teach kids how to swim and ride bikes at an early age
Don't encourage kids to watch TV and limit computer time

Set An Example

- If you are overweight,
- If you keep talking about your weight and shape,
- If you eat unhealthy foods,
- If you watch a lot of TV,

Your children are likely to follow your example.

- If your weight is healthy,
- If you eat healthy foods,
- If you take regular exercise,
Your children are likely to do the same.

Learn About Nutrition

It's not easy to cook healthy meals for your kids, or yourself, without some understanding of nutrition. True, we live in a society that is overflowing with foods, but this doesn't mean that our food is nutritious. Many women are deficient in nutrients like Vitamin B-complex and Iron, while metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes (a major cause of which is an unhealthy diet) are rampant. So knowing what constitutes a healthy diet can be invaluable when planning meals and snacks for your children. Lastly, understanding nutrition enables you to pass on your knowledge to your kids. I mean, lets face it - what is more important that knowing what to eat?

Practical Tips for Parents of Overweight Children
Here are a few detailed suggestions to help your kids stay healthy and maintain a normal weight.

1. Drinks - replace regular soda with plain water, or flavored water like Fruit20. Dilute fruit juices, half and half with water, encourage them to drink 2 glasses of 1 percent milk each day.

2. Use homemade soups to fill him/her up either as snacks or before meals.

3. Make salads more interesting by adding fruits like grapes, sections of mandarin orange, chunks of pineapple, sliced peaches.

4. Make fruit fun by freezing grapes, thick slices of banana and all sorts of berries. Serve berries topped with low-fat Cool Whip or dipped in a low-fat Jell-O Chocolate pudding.

5. For treats, keep a supply of low-fat ice-creams like Blue Bunny Ice Cream Bar or Cone, Skinny Cow Low-Carb Ice Cream Sandwich. Also encourage them to snack of air-popped popcorn.

6. Keep a variety of low-fat yogurt, light cheese strings, veggie sticks, like carrots, celery, peppers at the front of the refrigerator so the kids can grab them when they want a snack.

7. Keep a bowl of fresh fruit on the kitchen table where the kids can see it and reach for it without thinking. Kids tend to eat what they see!

8. Encourage them to snack on healthy carbs like whole grain cereals with low-fat milk, whole grain bread with a light spread of peanut butter and jelly, or fruit spread or fruit breads.

9. Children tend to eat what they get, so set a good example by eating right yourself. Make sure you sit at meal times and make food just part of the enjoyment of being together.

10. Make sure your child eats breakfast. Whole grain cereals, low-fat milk, yogurt and fruit is fine. Encourage your child to get his/her own breakfast from an early age and provide them with the right food so they automatically make healthy choices.

11. The same applies to snacks. Provide your kids with healthy options and limit junk food.

12. Don't use food as a reward for good behavior or don't restrict food as a punishment. For example, don't say to your child "unless you do xyz you are not getting any candy".

13. Don't force your child to eat if they are not hungry. Children's appetite vary and often during a "growing spurt" they lose their appetite. Don't worry when this happens, as soon as their growing spurt is over you will find they eat extra to make up.

14. Don't forbid any foods, simply limit them. If your kids want to go to McDonalds occasionally, fine. Just don't make it a regular occurrence.

15. Limit time spent watching TV - your own and the kids. There is overwhelming evidence that too much TV makes our kids fat!

16. Get active and have fun with your kids. Take them to the pool, play ball, go fishing, or hiking. Teach them to appreciate the outdoors by taking them camping, even if it's only overnight!

How to Lose Your Final 10 Pounds of Fat

Here are a few tips to help you lose those last few pounds. They may sound obvious, but you'd be amazed how many dieters fail to take these elementary steps.

Be Patient
The key to losing those last stubborn pounds is to be patient! When you have very little weight to lose it is important to stick very closely to your diet in order get results. Think in terms of losing AT MOST 1-1.5 pound a week. This means following your diet and exercise program carefully for 7-10 weeks. If you do this, even the most stubborn final pounds of fat will disappear.

Boost Your Daily Exercise
If you take regular exercise, increase your workout by 10-15 minutes each day AND change your workout routine. Changing the type of exercise you do, or the duration, gives your metabolism an extra boost and helps to burn extra calories.

Eat Regularly
Eat little and often throughout the day. This helps to maintain your metabolic rate at maximum speed. Also, it keeps your blood-sugar level stable, which is helpful in reducing appetite build-up and food cravings. Some surveys show that eating "little and often" actually reduces appetite and calorie-intake.

Think Thin!
This may sound like psycho-babble, but it's not! Our beliefs really do affect how we behave. If you believe "I can never lose my final 10 pounds", chances are you won't. This is because we behave in a way that makes our belief a reality. However, if you think "Seven weeks from now my last 10 pounds are gonna be history" you will work to make that belief a reality.

How to Lose Weight After Pregnancy

Slow Weight Loss is Essential

Although having a baby is a wonderful experience for any woman, after enduring nine months of pregnancy symptoms, including 5-6 months of extra weight, it's quite natural to want to normalize your weight and regain your pre-pregnancy shape as soon as possible. But don't be too impatient. Life after giving birth typically throws up a new set of problems, which can cut across your plans to lose weight. So if you are a new mom, and you can't wait to get back into shape, take my advice and "Go Easy!" Trying to lose weight too fast can rebound on you.

Forget About Celebrity Moms Who Lose Weight Instantly

Celebrities who give birth are surrounded by dietitians, nurses and fitness experts. Plus, they often have major commercial commitments to safeguard. So for these new moms, losing weight after pregnancy is often accomplished must faster than for more average women. They are not a good example upon which to base your own postpartum weight loss goals.

Eat Healthily and Give Your Body Time to Recover

It takes up to 6 months after pregnancy for your body to return to normal. So even if you are not breast-feeding, don't be in too much of a hurry to cut calories. Apart from the physical trauma of giving birth, which itself can leave you feeling exhausted, looking after and being responsible for a new baby can be very stressful. It will require all your energy - especially as you get to grips with "night-feeds" and all the other demands of a new infant! So rather than focusing on "weight loss", concentrate for the first three months or so after the birth on eating healthy food with enough calories and nutrients to give you the energy and nutrition to cope.

Exercise When You Feel Up to It

Exercising too vigorously, too soon, can be damaging to health. This doesn't mean you need to be sedentary - on the contrary, you should be able to start gentle exercise almost immediately after returning home. But avoid any type of vigorous or sustained exercise until after your first post-pregnancy check-up. In exercise, as in the case of your diet, be guided by your doctor. He/she will explain the benefits of exercise - which include mood as well as physical benefits - and outline a suitable fitness program for you to follow. Incidentally, physical exercise in no way interferes with your ability to breast-feed.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

How to Slim Down With Untraditional Exercise Methods

It's 11:59pm on New Years Eve. Once again we make all kinds of promises to ourselves. We're going to set priorities: spend more time with family, work more efficiently and eat better. And, once again this year we resolve to get into better shape. But why is it when it comes to exercise, most of us have a hard time living up to our desire? The biggest problems is finding time to work out, especially when we're trying to focus on family, maintaining a career and having some sort of active social life.

Well, have you thought of this? Sneak some untraditional exercise into what you're already doing. Every day take a few extra steps, or stretch, or lift something that weighs a couple of pounds...that's exercise! And when you can wrap your mind around that idea, it's not hard to incorporate tons of mini-workouts into your daily activities.

Considering everything else you've probably tried, isn't it worth a shot? Just give some of these suggestions a try. They'll let you make optimum use of your normal, everyday activities that you do without even really thinking about it (until now) and make small strides toward being a healthier and slimmer you.

Refuse the Elevator

If an elevator's available, we'll take it, automatically without even thinking about it. But stairs offer an excellent option for exercise, if only for a minute or so at a time. If you work on the 20th floor of your building, then obviously, the stairs might not be practical. But why not take the elevator to the 17th floor then walk the stairs the other three flights? Or if you are constantly going up or down a few floors during your normal work day, take the stairs. It might not seem easy at first, but after you've done it consistently for a day or two, you'll think nothing of shooting up or down a flight. The same thing goes when you're at the mall or the airport. Bypass the escalators and find the stairs.

Turn your Workspace into a Gym

There are endless opportunities for hidden exercise while you're on the job. Simply stretching-your legs, your arms, your back-does wonders for your body. It will reduce your stress, too., which is an added bonus we all can use. So start flexing and relaxing your muscles throughout the day when you're sitting at your desk or at a meeting. If you're on a call, stand up and stretch, or lift a paperweight (or a five-pound weight or a can of soup). Just do anything to avoid being sedentary. Walk down the hall to talk to a colleague instead of sending an email or picking up the phone. If you print something, send it to the furtherest printer away from you desk. Then go get each print job instead of printing several and then going to pick them up all at once. Go to the restroom at the other end of the hall. Just keep in the forefront of your mind to make yourself move around during the day, even if your job doesn't require it.

Don't Waste Time Waiting for the good Parking Spots

It's the funniest thing when you think about it, we'll spend fifteen minutes circling the parking lot, waiting for that primo spot close to the entrance, instead of just accepting a spot a bit farther out and actually getting to where we're going faster. But time isn't the only reason to park a few rows farther from Macy's at the shopping mall. When you can get into the habit of unconsciously choosing parking spaces that aren't quite as close to the mall or office-even when the lot's not full-it's the easiest way to consistently get yourself a few extra minutes of walking. But remember, it's most important to be always play it safe when you're alone, especially at night. And there will be times when you're really in a hurry and just can't spare any extra time. But when you have an extra minute or two and can enjoy a nice, brisk stroll on your way to the entrance, take advantage of the opportunity to burn a few extra calories. Every step counts.

30 minutes a day of exercise is what each and every one of us needs. Even if it's done in six 5-minute spurts throughout your day, it really does make all the difference.

The author, Dara Torrin, is a weight loss a research specialist who has lost 65 lbs over 5 years ago and has KEPT IT OFF.

To kick-start her dieting efforts Dara used her research skills to find out if there were any legitimate supplements out there to aid in getting off to a positive start. In the process she uncovered the secrets identifying quality hoodia products that really work.

My Research Website: The Weight Is Over

Number One Key Factor Be Aware of to Take the Weight Off and Keep it Off

The Main "weight gain factor" is as follows:

Bad Food Selections

The Quantity-- Quality Rule:

One of the shortcomings of most diet plans is they focus primarily on the quantity of certain food groups we consume. Again, this is an important factor to monitor but unfortunately, even if you were to dramatically reduce the quantity of food you take in, if the quality is poor (processed foods or foods laced with insecticides and steroids) it will disrupt your hormonal balance (e.g. insulin & estrogen) resulting in unwanted fat/weight gain and a multitude of other health problems.

Be Aware of Food Allergies:

Yes, we are what we eat. But we are also a product of what we can't digest (just ask anyone with a food allergy). You see, long-term exposure to foods we cannot break down properly leads to water retention and weight gain, to name just a few. And if this isn't bad enough, to make matters worse, over time the excess water we retain as the result of a food allergy can lead to cellulite formation! (Not a flattering accessory to your bathing suit.)

The Real Weight Loss Solution

To assure you get the best results from your diet program, be sure to first see a doctor who will properly screen you for "hidden" food allergies, and avoid consuming low quality foods at all costs.

Weight Gain Factor-Increased Stress Levels

Now, unless you've been living under a rock all your life, I'm sure you're aware of the many health complications such as high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease that can result from prolonged levels of stress.

However, what most of us fail to realize is that one of the by-products of our stress is a chemical called cortisol, which is secreted by our adrenal glands and is a contributing factor to why we pack on the pounds!

In brief, cortisol causes us to gain weight by activating our fat cells to go into survival mode and store fat.

To make matters even worse, cortisol causes that stubborn "belly fat" (you know, the kind that doesn't budge no matter how many sit ups you do) to become even more resistant to our weight loss efforts.

In other words, if your body needs to tap into some of its fat stores for energy, other areas will give up their fat before the fat cells around your belly does.

You can see now how elevated cortisol levels can actually sabotage even the most thought out diet and exercise plan, which leads to frustration (and yes, higher cortisol levels) every time you step on the scale!

The author, Dara Torrin, is a weight loss a research specialist who has lost 65 lbs over 5 years ago and has KEPT IT OFF.

To kick-start her dieting efforts Dara used her research skills to find out if there were any legitimate supplements out there to aid in getting off to a positive start. In the process she uncovered the secrets identifying quality hoodia products that really work.

My Research Website: The Weight Is Over

Eliminate Diet Soda From Your Diet If You Are Trying to Lose Weight

Since 1948 the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute has been studying the factors that contribute to heart disease by observing and monitoring the residents of Framingham, Massachusetts. Over the last four years they have observed around 6,000 middle-aged men and women. Initially, they were healthy. Over this time they noted the following:

* Those participants who drank one or more sodas (diet or regular) a day had a 31% greater risk of becoming obese.

* They had a 30% chance of developing an increased waist circumference.

* There was a 25% chance they would develop high triglycerides.

* And, they had a 50 to 60% chance of developing metabolic syndrome regardless of whether they drank regular or diet soda.

Metabolic syndrome is a constellation of factors that can include obesity in an apple distribution (around the middle), high triglycerides, low HDL, insulin resistance and high blood pressure. Those with metabolic syndrome are at increased risk for developing heart disease.

It is understandable how sugary soda can increase abdominal girth and the other factors, but diet sodas have no calories! Why do the people who drank diet sodas also develop the same problems?

One answer might be that those who drank diet soda had similar eating and exercise habits to those who drank regular soda. There is also a theory that the substance that gives some sodas their caramel color may promote insulin resistance. The truth is that no one knows exactly how or why this happened. Till we get to the bottom of it, I would advise cutting out the sugary soda altogether and drinking diet soda in moderation.

The author, Dara Torrin, is a weight loss a research specialist who has lost 65 lbs over 5 years ago and has KEPT IT OFF.

To kick-start her dieting efforts Dara used her research skills to find out if there were any legitimate supplements out there to aid in getting off to a positive start. In the process she uncovered the secrets identifying quality hoodia products that really work.

My Research Website: The Weight Is Over

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Key Factor To Be Aware of to Take the Weight Off and Keep it Off

The Main "weight gain factor" is as follows:

Bad Food Selections

The Quantity-- Quality Rule:
One of the shortcomings of most diet plans is they focus primarily on the quantity of certain food groups we consume. Again, this is an important factor to monitor but unfortunately, even if you were to dramatically reduce the quantity of food you take in, if the quality is poor (processed foods or foods laced with insecticides and steroids) it will disrupt your hormonal balance (e.g. insulin & estrogen) resulting in unwanted fat/weight gain and a multitude of other health problems.

Be Aware of Food Allergies:
Yes, we are what we eat. But we are also a product of what we can't digest (just ask anyone with a food allergy). You see, long-term exposure to foods we cannot break down properly leads to water retention and weight gain, to name just a few. And if this isn't bad enough, to make matters worse, over time the excess water we retain as the result of a food allergy can lead to cellulite formation! (Not a flattering accessory to your bathing suit.)

The Real Weight Loss Solution:
To assure you get the best results from your diet program, be sure to first see a doctor who will properly screen you for "hidden" food allergies, and avoid consuming low quality foods at all costs.

Weight Gain Factor-Increased Stress Levels:
Now, unless you've been living under a rock all your life, I'm sure you're aware of the many health complications such as high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease that can result from prolonged levels of stress.

However, what most of us fail to realize is that one of the by-products of our stress is a chemical called cortisol, which is secreted by our adrenal glands and is a contributing factor to why we pack on the pounds!

In brief, cortisol causes us to gain weight by activating our fat cells to go into survival mode and store fat.

To make matters even worse, cortisol causes that stubborn "belly fat" (you know, the kind that doesn't budge no matter how many sit ups you do) to become even more resistant to our weight loss efforts.

In other words, if your body needs to tap into some of its fat stores for energy, other areas will give up their fat before the fat cells around your belly does.

You can see now how elevated cortisol levels can actually sabotage even the most thought out diet and exercise plan, which leads to frustration (and yes, higher cortisol levels) every time you step on the scale!

My Research Website: The Weight Is Over

How to Lose the Baby Fat - Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Weight loss after pregnancy doesn't happen overnight, but it's certainly possible. Focus on eating healthy foods. Also increase activity in your daily routine. Above all, take pride in your healthy lifestyle.

So, congratulations! You're a new mom! And I'll bet you're more than ready to hang your maternity clothes in the back of the closet, right? The good news is, there is no magic formula to losing your left-over pregnancy weight. What it DOES take is healthy foods and a commitment to increased activity - but the key is to be patient with your progress. Most importantly, remember there's more to losing weight after your pregnancy than simply the desire to fit into your favorite jeans again.

Eat The Foods That Are Good For YOU

When you were pregnant, you might have changed your eating habits in favor of your babies growth and development. Once the baby is here, proper nutrition is still important - especially if you're nursing. Making proper choices can kick off healthy weight loss after pregnancy.

Key food groups are fruits, vegetables and whole grains. High fiber foods - such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains - provide you with many important nutrients while helping you feel full longer. Other wise choices include low-fat dairy products, such as yogurt, skim milk and low-fat cheeses. Skinless poultry, most fish, beans, and lean cuts of beef are excellent choices for protein, as well as zinc, iron and B vitamins.

Avoid stumbling blocks caused by temptation. Surround yourself with foods that you know are good for you. Avoid junk food temptations by keep it out of the house.

Eat smaller portions more frequently.

Skipping meals or limiting your intake of fruits and vegetables is a no-no! (Just preparing you for the baby-talk coming your way.) You'll miss key nutrients. Instead, cut back on the higher calorie foods portion size. Perhaps try trading traditional meals for smaller, more frequent meals. Instead of three meals a day, divide your caloric intake among 4-5 meals a day to keep your metabolism burning at it's optimum level.

Eat only when you're hungry.

You can avoid eating simply because you're anxious or nervous, or if you simply think it's time to eat, by distracting yourself. Take your baby for a stroll around the neighborhood, call a friend or read your favorite parenting magazine.

My Research Website: The Weight Is Over

Post Pregnancy Slim Down Strategy

Gaining weight during pregnancy is natural and healthy, but many women desire to get back to their former bodies, before the pregnancy. One key thing to remember is to exercise caution when shedding your baby weight gain.

Here are some helpful tips for getting back into your pre-pregnancy clothes.

Exercising after your pregnancy carries multiple benefits. Mainly, it will help you lose the extra pounds gained during pregnancy and also alleviate post-partum depression.

Take care that you ease your way into exercising after pregnancy. It's a good idea to wait six weeks after delivery to start exercising. Start out with low-impact exercises such as walking, yoga or swimming. Customize your exercise program to make it something you will be able stick to and possibly recruit the company of a neighbor or another new mom.

Start slow: 10-minute exercises is plenty to get started and then increase the time when you feel more confident. Do not exceed 30-minute on your exercise time and if you start to feel dizzy or short of breath, stop immediately.

Work Out at Home
There are tons of exercises perfect for the early post pregnancy period that can be performed at home. Yoga exercises are an excellent choice for in-home working out.

Healthy Weight Loss By Eating Right
A healthy low-calorie diet is the best way to lose your pregnancy pounds, next to exercising. Never go below 1200 calories a day. Divide your caloric intake into 4-5 small meals a day instead of 3 large meals to keep your metabolism burning at it's optimal level. You should go no longer than 4 hours between meals.

Walk, Walk, Walk
Walking is, without a doubt, one of the best exercises - and the bonus is no special equipment required. All you need is a good pair of shoes, clear weather and your newborn! Even tiny babies can benefit from a stroll in the fresh air.

Just remember, pregnancy and weight gain is healthy for you and your baby. Cutting calories coupled with exercise is the safest and healthiest way to get back into your pre-pregnancy designer jeans.

My Research Website: The Weight Is Over

Eliminate Diet Soda From Your Diet If You Are Trying to Lose Weight

Since 1948 the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute has been studying the factors that contribute to heart disease by observing and monitoring the residents of Framingham, Massachusetts. Over the last four years they have observed around 6,000 middle-aged men and women. Initially, they were healthy. Over this time they noted the following:

* Those participants who drank one or more sodas (diet or regular) a day had a 31% greater risk of becoming obese.

* They had a 30% chance of developing an increased waist circumference.

* There was a 25% chance they would develop high triglycerides.

* And, they had a 50 to 60% chance of developing metabolic syndrome regardless of whether they drank regular or diet soda.

Metabolic syndrome is a constellation of factors that can include obesity in an apple distribution (around the middle), high triglycerides, low HDL, insulin resistance and high blood pressure. Those with metabolic syndrome are at increased risk for developing heart disease.

It is understandable how sugary soda can increase abdominal girth and the other factors, but diet sodas have no calories! Why do the people who drank diet sodas also develop the same problems?

One answer might be that those who drank diet soda had similar eating and exercise habits to those who drank regular soda. There is also a theory that the substance that gives some sodas their caramel color may promote insulin resistance. The truth is that no one knows exactly how or why this happened. Till we get to the bottom of it, I would advise cutting out the sugary soda altogether and drinking diet soda in moderation.

My Research Website: The Weight Is Over

How to Slim Down With Untraditional Exercise Methods

It's 11:59pm on New Years Eve. Once again we make all kinds of promises to ourselves. We're going to set priorities: spend more time with family, work more efficiently and eat better. And, once again this year we resolve to get into better shape. But why is it when it comes to exercise, most of us have a hard time living up to our desire? The biggest problems is finding time to work out, especially when we're trying to focus on family, maintaining a career and having some sort of active social life.

Well, have you thought of this? Sneak some untraditional exercise into what you're already doing. Every day take a few extra steps, or stretch, or lift something that weighs a couple of pounds...that's exercise! And when you can wrap your mind around that idea, it's not hard to incorporate tons of mini-workouts into your daily activities.

Considering everything else you've probably tried, isn't it worth a shot? Just give some of these suggestions a try. They'll let you make optimum use of your normal, everyday activities that you do without even really thinking about it (until now) and make small strides toward being a healthier and slimmer you.

Refuse the Elevator

If an elevator's available, we'll take it, automatically without even thinking about it. But stairs offer an excellent option for exercise, if only for a minute or so at a time. If you work on the 20th floor of your building, then obviously, the stairs might not be practical. But why not take the elevator to the 17th floor then walk the stairs the other three flights? Or if you are constantly going up or down a few floors during your normal work day, take the stairs. It might not seem easy at first, but after you've done it consistently for a day or two, you'll think nothing of shooting up or down a flight. The same thing goes when you're at the mall or the airport. Bypass the escalators and find the stairs.

Turn your Workspace into a Gym

There are endless opportunities for hidden exercise while you're on the job. Simply stretching-your legs, your arms, your back-does wonders for your body. It will reduce your stress, too., which is an added bonus we all can use. So start flexing and relaxing your muscles throughout the day when you're sitting at your desk or at a meeting. If you're on a call, stand up and stretch, or lift a paperweight (or a five-pound weight or a can of soup). Just do anything to avoid being sedentary. Walk down the hall to talk to a colleague instead of sending an email or picking up the phone. If you print something, send it to the furtherest printer away from you desk. Then go get each print job instead of printing several and then going to pick them up all at once. Go to the restroom at the other end of the hall. Just keep in the forefront of your mind to make yourself move around during the day, even if your job doesn't require it.

Don't Waste Time Waiting for the good Parking Spots

It's the funniest thing when you think about it, we'll spend fifteen minutes circling the parking lot, waiting for that primo spot close to the entrance, instead of just accepting a spot a bit farther out and actually getting to where we're going faster. But time isn't the only reason to park a few rows farther from Macy's at the shopping mall. When you can get into the habit of unconsciously choosing parking spaces that aren't quite as close to the mall or office-even when the lot's not full-it's the easiest way to consistently get yourself a few extra minutes of walking. But remember, it's most important to be always play it safe when you're alone, especially at night. And there will be times when you're really in a hurry and just can't spare any extra time. But when you have an extra minute or two and can enjoy a nice, brisk stroll on your way to the entrance, take advantage of the opportunity to burn a few extra calories. Every step counts.

30 minutes a day of exercise is what each and every one of us needs. Even if it's done in six 5-minute spurts throughout your day, it really does make all the difference.

My Research Website: The Weight Is Over

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fail-Proof Fast Weight Loss Tips!

Tip: Eat less, exercise more
We've all heard it...and it's true! It is THE fail-proof way to LOSE FAT but, most importantly, KEEP IT OFF.

Tip: Hydrate like a camel
Drinking eight 8 oz. glasses of water daily will flush impurities from your system. Ever wonder where the fat you lose goes? This is it! Flushed from your system with good ol' H2O.

Tip: Eat fresh fruit and vegetables daily
Try to eat the fruit earlier in the day and leafy green vegetables with meals after lunch. Both are loaded not only with tons of fiber but also GOOD CARBS (meaning unprocessed and natural) that are essential for fat loss.

Tip: Keep a food diary
This one has been proven to be one of the best tools for successful weight loss. So carry a journal and log the calories per portion of your meals.

Tip: ANY activity burns calories
OK, aside from surfing the TV on the couch. So get up and get busy! Taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work, household chores, gardening and playing with your kids all burn calories. But most importantly they do it in that slow fat burning stage where your heart rate is elevated just enough to crank up your metabolism and start blazing those calories from your system.

TIP: Find a workout buddy
Meet a neighbor at the mailbox and go for a walk. Make it a few blocks at first, then steadily increase the distance. Remember, slow and steady really does win the race!

Tip: Never shop while hungry
This can lead to impulse purchases. Make a shopping list and STICK TO IT. Shopping around the outer perimeter of the store will make sure you get all the foods you need for a diet targeting weight loss. The middle isles should be avoided until you feel you have your cravings under control. Remember, there are no off-limit foods, but there are foods that will throw a wrench into all your efforts for weight loss if you indulge too frequently.

TIP: Never skip breakfast
By the time you wake up in the morning, your body has gone without nutrition for a good 9-12 hours. So it's important to stoke the fires of your metabolism up in the morning to crank up the fat burning. It is KEY to weight loss efforts. And it will also keep you from feeling famished by lunch time and over indulging.

TIP: Weigh yourself regularly
While your weight should not be the only indicator of weight loss (body measurements with measuring tape are also great to monitor your progress) it can be a red flag if you start to slip in your weight loss regimen and let you know it's time to get back on track.

My Research Website: The Weight Is Over

Monday, September 8, 2008

The 100-Calorie Pack Distortion Of 'Diet Food'

My fellow dieters, beware of mini-packs and mini-foods!

Did you know recent studies show chronic dieters tend to consume more calories when foods and packages are smaller? Consumer behavior was observed in the study regarding "mini-packs," 100-calorie food packages that are marketed to help people control calorie intake.

The study revealed that one group that over-consumes the mini-packs is chronic dieters - individuals making a conscious effort in trying to manage their weight and food intake.

This shows that the ubiquitous small packages may actually undermine dieters' attempts to limit calories. Consider this: Consumers perceive the mini-packs to be a generous portion of food - numerous small food morsels in each pack and multiple mini-packs in each box - while on the other hand, consumers perceive the mini-packs to be diet food. For chronic dieters, this
perceptual dilemma causes a tendency to overeat, due to their emotion-laden relationship with food.

In a series of focus group studies, peoples' perceptions of M&Ms in mini-packs versus regular-sized packages was observed. The research showed participants tended to have conflicting thoughts about the mini-packs: They thought of them as "diet food," yet they overestimated how many calories the packages contained.

In subsequent studies, the researchers assessed participants' relationship with food, dividing
them into "restrained" and "unrestrained" eaters. The "restrained" eaters tended to consume more calories from mini-packs than "unrestrained" participants.

The authors conclude that dieters should keep an eye on small
packages: "While restrained eaters may be attracted to smaller foods
in smaller packages initially, presumably because these products are
thought to help consumers with their diets, our research shows that
restrained eaters actually tend to consume more of these foods than
they would of regular foods."

My Research Website: The Weight Is Over