Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fall is the perfect season for beginning a weight loss plan

Forget New Years. Autumn is the best time to begin a diet and exercise program. Think about it — the leaves are turning, the days are cooling, the kids are in school, the soup pot is begging to be filled. The bounty of fresh mountain apples makes getting your daily fruit quota easier and more delicious than ever.

It’s a recipe for success, as cited by a National Dairy Council survey in which 1,500 mothers said fall was the preferred time of year to make a go of lifestyle changes.

Fifty-three percent said a return to the regular school routine was helpful, while 41 percent said sending their children back to school freed up more “me” time. The free-form summertime was soundly put in its place when this troop of moms ranked it the second worst time to lose weight. As expected, the winter holidays came in last place.

Routines are ideal for helping people, especially moms, find time to fit in fitness, prepare healthier meals and make sure they take care of their own personal health needs. The combination of more free time, regular routines, and the beautiful fall weather is an inspiration to eat better and be more active outdoors.

Take advantage of fall crops such as pumpkins and apples for a taste treat with a nutritional boost. Consider using these foods in new ways, as well, by trying them in soups, salads, smoothies and other dishes. A quick search on the Internet should provide plenty of ideas. Also eat a little something every few hours to promote stable blood sugar levels.

Making changes to your exercise routine is also a pleasure thanks to autumn’s visual beauty and mild temperatures. Even if you have 30 minutes or less available for exercise each day, that’s fine. A brisk 10-minute walk in the morning and at night can be a manageable, beneficial and pleasurable way to work exercise into your busy day.

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