Sunday, October 12, 2008

How to Lose the Baby Fat - Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Weight loss after pregnancy doesn't happen overnight, but it's certainly possible. Focus on eating healthy foods. Also increase activity in your daily routine. Above all, take pride in your healthy lifestyle.

So, congratulations! You're a new mom! And I'll bet you're more than ready to hang your maternity clothes in the back of the closet, right? The good news is, there is no magic formula to losing your left-over pregnancy weight. What it DOES take is healthy foods and a commitment to increased activity - but the key is to be patient with your progress. Most importantly, remember there's more to losing weight after your pregnancy than simply the desire to fit into your favorite jeans again.

Eat The Foods That Are Good For YOU

When you were pregnant, you might have changed your eating habits in favor of your babies growth and development. Once the baby is here, proper nutrition is still important - especially if you're nursing. Making proper choices can kick off healthy weight loss after pregnancy.

Key food groups are fruits, vegetables and whole grains. High fiber foods - such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains - provide you with many important nutrients while helping you feel full longer. Other wise choices include low-fat dairy products, such as yogurt, skim milk and low-fat cheeses. Skinless poultry, most fish, beans, and lean cuts of beef are excellent choices for protein, as well as zinc, iron and B vitamins.

Avoid stumbling blocks caused by temptation. Surround yourself with foods that you know are good for you. Avoid junk food temptations by keep it out of the house.

Eat smaller portions more frequently.

Skipping meals or limiting your intake of fruits and vegetables is a no-no! (Just preparing you for the baby-talk coming your way.) You'll miss key nutrients. Instead, cut back on the higher calorie foods portion size. Perhaps try trading traditional meals for smaller, more frequent meals. Instead of three meals a day, divide your caloric intake among 4-5 meals a day to keep your metabolism burning at it's optimum level.

Eat only when you're hungry.

You can avoid eating simply because you're anxious or nervous, or if you simply think it's time to eat, by distracting yourself. Take your baby for a stroll around the neighborhood, call a friend or read your favorite parenting magazine.

My Research Website: The Weight Is Over

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