Sunday, October 12, 2008

Key Factor To Be Aware of to Take the Weight Off and Keep it Off

The Main "weight gain factor" is as follows:

Bad Food Selections

The Quantity-- Quality Rule:
One of the shortcomings of most diet plans is they focus primarily on the quantity of certain food groups we consume. Again, this is an important factor to monitor but unfortunately, even if you were to dramatically reduce the quantity of food you take in, if the quality is poor (processed foods or foods laced with insecticides and steroids) it will disrupt your hormonal balance (e.g. insulin & estrogen) resulting in unwanted fat/weight gain and a multitude of other health problems.

Be Aware of Food Allergies:
Yes, we are what we eat. But we are also a product of what we can't digest (just ask anyone with a food allergy). You see, long-term exposure to foods we cannot break down properly leads to water retention and weight gain, to name just a few. And if this isn't bad enough, to make matters worse, over time the excess water we retain as the result of a food allergy can lead to cellulite formation! (Not a flattering accessory to your bathing suit.)

The Real Weight Loss Solution:
To assure you get the best results from your diet program, be sure to first see a doctor who will properly screen you for "hidden" food allergies, and avoid consuming low quality foods at all costs.

Weight Gain Factor-Increased Stress Levels:
Now, unless you've been living under a rock all your life, I'm sure you're aware of the many health complications such as high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease that can result from prolonged levels of stress.

However, what most of us fail to realize is that one of the by-products of our stress is a chemical called cortisol, which is secreted by our adrenal glands and is a contributing factor to why we pack on the pounds!

In brief, cortisol causes us to gain weight by activating our fat cells to go into survival mode and store fat.

To make matters even worse, cortisol causes that stubborn "belly fat" (you know, the kind that doesn't budge no matter how many sit ups you do) to become even more resistant to our weight loss efforts.

In other words, if your body needs to tap into some of its fat stores for energy, other areas will give up their fat before the fat cells around your belly does.

You can see now how elevated cortisol levels can actually sabotage even the most thought out diet and exercise plan, which leads to frustration (and yes, higher cortisol levels) every time you step on the scale!

My Research Website: The Weight Is Over

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