Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fucoxanthin Looks To Be The Next Big Diet Supplement For 2009

After years of grueling research and development, the scientific community has announced the discovery of an astounding compound that has been shown in rigorous clinical studies to accelerate and promote the loss of stubborn fat in the abdominal region. This amazing new compound is found in marine plant life and is called fucoxanthin.

Fucoxanthin is an all natural ingredient that is found in edible seaweed, most specifically in brown seaweed such as wakama (Undaria pinnatifida) and hijiki (Hijikia fusiformis), which are commonly used in Asian cuisine. There has been much epidemiological data from Japan (whose culture is infamous for their longevity, typically trim bodies, and vibrant health) that suggests that brown seaweed consumption yields spectacular health benefits. Fucoxanthin is actually an isolated carotenoid of brown seaweed (which protects cells and tissues from detrimental free radicals). Fucoxanthin is the force behind the brown color of the seaweed; its special pigmentation keeps the seaweed from being destroyed by the sun while it floats on the ocean 's surface.

Scientists believe that fucoxanthin works by regulating the protein UCP1 (uncoupling protein 1). UCP1 controls the amount of fat that is stored up in the body and also regulates the activity of a prominent gene that is responsible for sustaining the body 's temperature. UCP1 is found in white adipose tissue, (which is actually a repulsive yellowish colored fat), also called visceral fat. Visceral fat is usually a culprit of the dreaded "middle-age spread", with its tell-tale fat surrounding the abdominal regions and encasing the body 's internal organs, which has been shown in a vast number of studies to aid in the development of both diabetes and heart disease. Unfortunately, visceral fat is inclined to attract toxins, leads to inflammation, and is extremely harmful to the overall hormonal well-being of the body.

Researchers believe that fucoxanthin possesses very powerful thermogenic (fat burning) elements. Thermogenesis can best be defined as a process by which the human body creates internal heat, which triggers an increase in the overall metabolic rate, thereby requiring the use of stores of energy in the way of fat reserves. Fucoxanthin-induced thermogenesis elevates the body 's temperature, making it a fat (and calorie) burning boiler room. The effect is like turning up the furnace, the more fuel you use, the emptier the tank becomes; in this instance, the faster the weight falls off! You can apply the same science to animals that hibernate in the winter, such as the bear. The bear has fat stores built up that its body relies on during the winter to stay alive, and to keep it from fatally freezing!

Another factor that makes fucoxanthin an important new development for weight loss is that the metabolic boost that is associated with this all-natural ingredient does not stimulate the delicate central nervous system ; a side effect of many popular weight loss formulations. Fucoxanthin has been found safe to use with no side effects, other than rapid weight loss.

Those who have used fucoxanthin in a weight loss formulation or supplement have reported losing as much as ten percent of their body weight. Those users also reported suppression in appetite and an increased level of energy while taking fucoxanthin.

In addition to its remarkable assistance in the battle of the belly bulge, fucoxanthin has also been found to decrease blood glucose and insulin levels. Scientists believe that this diabetes-inhibiting effect occurs because fucoxanthin promotes the replication of DHA, which is the same omega-3 fatty acid that is found in beneficial fish oil, and is thought to increase insulin sensitivity, improve levels of triglycerides, and reduce the bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body.

Furthermore, this powerful ingredient may have implications in the fight against cancer. Some studies have shown that fucoxanthin may have anti-tumor tendencies, which can slow down the growth of certain tumors.

Fucoxanthin is sold under the brand name Fuco Prime and can be found at Fuco Prime by Nature 's Biology.

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